Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Altered Page - The Pulse

Seth over at The Altered Page has created an on line art gallery called The Pulse. He is posting artist's favorite artwork from over 48 artist's (does that line make sense?) and why the artist picked it as their fav. It is really awesome. Today he has posted hand made journals and books. Hope on over and take a look.

And now some artwork. The mushrooms are 4x6 and I am hoping to get them copied for postcards to hand out at Artfest. I just need to get down to the print shop and get them done....

And this one is 5x7 and should have been in the mail weeks ago.....

Monday, March 24, 2008

New Artwork

A friend I used to work with used to work in Denmark and had wonderful pictures of tulips. So here are some tulips that I have done for her, well they will be for her if she likes them....

And now a complaint......when someone comments on this blog it has stopped e-mailing me.....argggh. I have read through all the help files and tried to change my e-mail address to something else and back but still it's not working. If anyone has any idea how to fix this please let me know. Next step is to try and contact someone from blogger to see if they have a fix for it.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Bantam Chickens

We have chickens. I've always wanted some chickens and a friend had some Bantam's that he was giving away so we got 4. They are wild so you can't really get to close to them yet....but I love watching and listening to them.

Here's the rooster. He's got a really quiet crow in the morning but I love hearing it.

Here he is with his three hens. The two black hens really shine in the sun and the feathers are very iridescent with reds, blues, greens and purples. The little buff colored one seems to be getting used to me being around more than the others so far. I really like her.

The littlest black hen is the one that is always hiding and hard to get her in the pic so she's not in this one.

Or this one.

And the rooster seems to be telling me I've taken enough pictures and I need to leave them alone. Don't you just love rooster tails? I think my next painting may just have to be a rooster painting....with some hen paintings to follow.

And we are going to be getting more chickens, full size chickens this time. Ekkk! Hub's order 6 chicks. 2 Rhode Island Reds, 2 White Leghorns and 2 Araucana (these chickens lay blue eggs and they are so awesome looking....a friend has one of these chickens and has been blowing the eggs out and keeping them. I can't wait for some blue eggs.) Like we really needed more animals around the place.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Journal Page

finally getting around to posting some journal pages. Not sure why a clown but that's just what came out of the brush. the blue ticket was for parking at the company I used to work for. we worked at another site and when we would go to the main site we could get a ticket to park in visitor parking for meetings and such. I was supposed to return it but I knew that we were getting laid off so I keep it....

This is with the ticket closed:

And with the ticket open:

Not much else going on. Trying to get things ready for ArtFest. Am doing some really cute things for my housemate trade will have to wait until I get back to post those. And am trying like crazy to do something for trades but not sure how much I'm going to get done.

LJ's brother is here from England. I haven't met him yet, he just got in on Friday afternoon but will probably be going down later today. She was feeling pretty good today so they all decided to go for a drive and show the brother a bit of Idaho.

Well back to working on trades....

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


LJ has decided to stop the chemo as it wasn't doing any good. The tumor is just as big as it was 6 months ago. The doctor's confirmed that she has 3-4 (if we are lucky 6 months) but CR doesn't think it's going to be that long. She thinks it will be next month sometime. And after tonight I have to admit it may be closer than we all had hoped.

LJ's brother is flying in from England tomorrow and she seems to be pretty happy about that. But she can't keep things straight, and 1/2 the time we don't know what she's talking about. A lot of what she is saying doesn't make sense.

On the way home from her place tonight there was a huge owl sitting on the power line right at our drive way. What kind of an omen was that? I went out with the binoculars and he had moved down the power line a ways and I tried to see what kind it was but couldn't as it was getting dark. The owl didn't make a sound and was still sitting there when I went back inside. Owls have always been one of my favorite birds. Was it trying to send me a message? If so, I sure wish I knew what it was. And I so wish there were more I could do for LJ.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


This is what I've been working on the last few days. My first commissioned piece for someone other than family or friend. I was very very nervous when she stopped at the frame shop to pick it up. My family really liked the way it turned out but I had no idea how the folks who commissioned it would like it.

Here is Thunder before framing:

And here is Thunder after framing:

It was a challenge but I have found that most commissioned work is but I learn so much from each one that I do. And it's such a great feeling to have them like what you've done.

On another good note: The artist who organized the We Art Women benefit art show wants to buy one of my paintings....whoopee, yahoo...and she has invited me to submit my work to be juried into their co-op art gallery. Which I would love to do but...they have monthly fees since it is a co-op and with us being unemployed at this time I don't think we can swing the extra expense... but it feels so great to be invited. I was really thrilled.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Bad and good

No art posted today. Just haven't had time to photo or really create anything. Am working on a commission that is due on Tuesday...and should have started way earlier than I did but things around here have been hectic.

So here is a pic of our pudelpointer, Brody. He was supposed to only be a foster dog but we've had him for 4-5 years now. He has such an amazing personality and is a real sweet heart. don't you love the goofy look on his face.

My friend L's cancer brain tumor is back. Third time in less than 7 months. Not sure how big or bad it is this time she couldn't remember what they said and her H has to call them back tomorrow. But she's thinking she only has about 3 months at the most left.

I sold one of my paintings at the We Art Women! art show and benefit. Whoopee. Now I can get some more canvas's.... and I had a wonderful time hanging with my friend H and her friend K.

Well back to the chocolate lab painting I've been commissioned to do.