The Altered Page - The Pulse
Seth over at The Altered Page has created an on line art gallery called The Pulse. He is posting artist's favorite artwork from over 48 artist's (does that line make sense?) and why the artist picked it as their fav. It is really awesome. Today he has posted hand made journals and books. Hope on over and take a look.
And now some artwork. The mushrooms are 4x6 and I am hoping to get them copied for postcards to hand out at Artfest. I just need to get down to the print shop and get them done....

And this one is 5x7 and should have been in the mail weeks ago.....
And now some artwork. The mushrooms are 4x6 and I am hoping to get them copied for postcards to hand out at Artfest. I just need to get down to the print shop and get them done....

And this one is 5x7 and should have been in the mail weeks ago.....