new metal journals and a funny picture

Last summer I took a journal making class with Tracy Moore. I finally got around to making a few more on my own. I so love the feel of these two small journals. The smallest is 2.5 by 3 and the larger one is 3.5x3.5 SOLD!
. They are so fun to make. Both are for sale. Each for $50.00. The small one has 108 pages (counting both sides) of 130lb watercolor paper. The larger one is 96 pages of 90lb watercolor paper. Closer details in photos below.
Don't you love trying to take pictures of your pets. Dylan, the closer on and Zen.

Patina Key Journal - 2.5 x 3 leather and copper handmade $50.00

Secret Journal - 3.5 x 3.5 leather and copper handmade $50.00 SOLD!
Your journals are totally awesome! I would like the bigger one.
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Oops that is Jazzgoil at
Hi Jonna,
Check out my blog to see what I have been doing in my beautiful new Secret Journal.
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