Monday, January 28, 2008

There goes the Neighborhood

Here's my latest. The idea came from a combination of a song by Sheryl Crow and my ex-sister-in-law. It's 22 x 28.

Not much new here. I don't know where the time goes and I seem to not be getting anything done that I thought I would while being unemployed....But need to get busy painting as the show is only two weeks away. And this Saturday have a party to go to so won't be getting anything done then.

Woke up with a sore throat and ear ache this morning. After a few cups of tea the throat was better but the ear ached most of the morning...not bad but enough to cause a headache also. And I've been cold all day. Sure hope I'm not coming down with anything. Maybe I'll sleep in tomorrow and give my bod a rest.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

More animal photos

I have been doing some art work, just haven't gotten any photo's of anything so am posting more of our animals.

This is Babie. Babie is our orphan girl. She was born here on our place. Her mother was my Arabian mare, Centre, whom I loved and adored. But due to complications during the birth we lost Centre 5 days after Babie was born. Lucky for us Babie took to drinking out of a bucket right away and thrived. Her father was Ian, a Quarter Horse that lives down at the end of our road.

And this is her 1/2 sister Calisto. I've always called her my Eyeore horse...she usually looks kind of glum with her ears pinned back with a woe is me look about her, but not in this pic. We also call her our pocket pony. If your out in the field doing something she is right there with you all the time and as close to you as possible. she really loves to help you out with any chore you have. She was also born on our place 3 days before Babie. Her mother is our Quarter Horse mare, Misty Blu, aka Pearly Blue Badger.

And here are the two of them together - I cut off the her nose but loved the way she has her neck arched and you can see the Arabian more in this pic. They are both such shaggy ponies and dirty dirty. But it's to darn cold to get out and brush this week.

And last but not least is another one of our orphan kitties. (Yes we are very good at raising orphans. Something that I really love and hate at the same time. Feedings every two hours really gets annoying after a while.) This is Buffy. Of the four she was the only one with no tail. I'll get pics of the others up on a later post.

And my news this week. I bombed another phone interview today. Half of the things they asked me I had never even heard of before....oh well, maybe it's time for a career change.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Day 58

But who's counting....that is how many days I have been unemployed. I totally bombed a phone interview this week. The first question out the gate threw me for a loop and it wasn't that hard of a question. But it was a math word problem question which I suck at...oh well - not the job for me.

I posted photos of two of our dogs last time and the other three got jealous. So here are pics of the other 3.

First off - Gabby. She hates to have her picture taken and she was asleep when I started and opened her eyes at the last minute. She's an English Setter and a speed demon. And she is also our princess puppy. She is a beautiful dog and soft as a bunny rabbit.

Brody-boy. He is a Pudelpointer. He was a rescue and we were only going to foster him. That was 4-5 years ago so guess he is here to stay. One of the most loving dogs ever.

And then there's Maxine, or Weiner as she is sometimes called. She has been wearing this darn hood for almost a year off and on. She had a cancerous tumor on her leg which we had removed and she refuses to stop licking on it. She has always been a licker and having a wound is just to much temptation for her. She also loves to suck on her back foot. It's really weird.

And as I was going through my pics I found this one so had to post it also. The cats are two of four that we hand raised.

About 3 years ago we had a lot of hay delivered and there were 5 week old kittens in the hay. Well the stack had fallen or we wouldn't have found them but it landed on two of them so one was lost, we thought we were going to lose two but nope he turned out to be the biggest in the bunch. I do believe that they consider themselves more dog than cat they follow the dogs everywhere when they go outside.

Well off to try and do some art, oh yea and some laundry, vacume, clean....

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Snow Day

If I weren't unemployed.... :) I am just so thankful that I did not have to drive the 35 miles to Boise and back today. It has been snowing all day here and I can actually sit back and enjoy it.

Here in the snow are two of our 5 dogs. These two, Arko in the foreground and Salty are the ones J hunts with the most. Arko is by far the most intelligent dog I have ever known and I have known and loved a lot of dogs. He will be 11 years old this year and he is my boy - until the shoot gun comes out and then he always looks at me with his little 'sorry mom, but I gotta go huntin' expression. And I can always tell by the way he greets me when they come through the door if they got any thing or not.

The guy that trained him for us also said that Arko was the smartest dog he had ever had the pleasure of training. Arko has sold more German Wirehaired Pointer's to J's friends than we could have. I remember the first time J took two of his friends out hunting with Arko they came back amazed. It seems that when Arko retreives a bird he takes it back to the person who shot the bird and not to J... and I guess he did it every time. He is one amazing dog.

Salty is a retired show dog. She actually went to the Westminister Dog Show, has her Champion title, was highest points because of her kids for a few years and her daughter was the highest winning German Wirehair Pointer for quite some time or whatever they call it. We always tease her now because she likes to eat ...well I won't go into any details and she has the most foul smelling farts ever. But we got her for peanuts due to the fact the couple who owned her were moving and said she was to timid for their breeding program (or maybe it was due to the smelly farts). Timid she is not, not sure why they thought she was.

They both look a little rough in this photo as they haven't had their after hunting season make-over yet.

We did have a little scare this hunting season with Arko. He managed to impale himself on a stick or something. Thank goodness it just went between the skin and muscle but it was on a Sunday so ended up costing an arm and a leg. But he is healing nicely and loving the snow.

Monday, January 07, 2008

After the holidays

Did this little christmas ornament (12 of them) for an altered art group that I belong to....for presents. But we didn't get a chance to met in December so they will go to their new owner's this month.

And this one I've been working on for awhile and I'm still not happy with it. I have two friends going through Chemo and this peice is titled 'After Chemo'. I don't care for the texture of the paper and a few other things but just can't seem to get it the way I want may be working on it some more.

And this is a Christmas present for a friend. Hope she doesn't visit here before I can get this to her, don't think she will as she is pretty busy with work...did the background ala Kelly Rae Roberts as described in Cloth Paper Scissors.

And I have a phone interview for a Software Developer. Would really be awesome to get a job soon and not have to use up all of my severance package. Would love to use some of that severance money to get our family room tiled and maybe even the front room and master bedroom. Never again will I have wall to wall carpet in my main living spaces...when you have as many animals as we do carpeting is not the way to go. Give me hardwood floors or tiled floors.

I have the tile all picked out. It's made by Saltillo and is called antique red...I so love this tile.

Off to finish another painting.