Journal Page
finally getting around to posting some journal pages. Not sure why a clown but that's just what came out of the brush. the blue ticket was for parking at the company I used to work for. we worked at another site and when we would go to the main site we could get a ticket to park in visitor parking for meetings and such. I was supposed to return it but I knew that we were getting laid off so I keep it....
This is with the ticket closed:

And with the ticket open:

Not much else going on. Trying to get things ready for ArtFest. Am doing some really cute things for my housemate trade will have to wait until I get back to post those. And am trying like crazy to do something for trades but not sure how much I'm going to get done.
LJ's brother is here from England. I haven't met him yet, he just got in on Friday afternoon but will probably be going down later today. She was feeling pretty good today so they all decided to go for a drive and show the brother a bit of Idaho.
Well back to working on trades....
This is with the ticket closed:

And with the ticket open:

Not much else going on. Trying to get things ready for ArtFest. Am doing some really cute things for my housemate trade will have to wait until I get back to post those. And am trying like crazy to do something for trades but not sure how much I'm going to get done.
LJ's brother is here from England. I haven't met him yet, he just got in on Friday afternoon but will probably be going down later today. She was feeling pretty good today so they all decided to go for a drive and show the brother a bit of Idaho.
Well back to working on trades....
Jonna! Really cute ticket!
Hey...I've been meaning to email since Friday. Our friend who has cancer ended up in the hospital again though so it's been crazy.
Anyway...I just wanted to tell you how much I LOVE your painting! It's beautiful and I feel so honored to have it. I'll be doing a blog post tomorrow to continue the "pay it forward".
Thanks again for the wonderful gift! xoxox
Hi Jonna! Funny that you chose a clown with your parking ticket from work..hmmmm. wonder what deep meaning that might have Hope you are doing well!
Hi Jonna,
Love your clown painting. I also like your house and mushrooms.
Have a blast at Artfest! My studio is coming along, I have walls.
Cheers Pattio
Hi. This is so and so from Micron Security and you are needing to return your parking pass to the closed and outsourced main gate. Ha, ha. Love the picture. SSBUSH(23 more days)
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