Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Does not do a mother's heart good!!!!!

Subject line of e-mail I got from my daughter today:

At 6:50AM

Upon opening the e-mail:

"we had a small earthquake! It was kind of exciting. I woke up before it started and was trying to go back to sleep. I heard like a large boom sound and then everything started shaking but nothing fell onto the floor it was kind of long though. Here it was only a 2.0 but at the center it was a 4.8 by the Sea of Japan. Anyways that was my excitment for the day.
Love ya"

Thank goodness she's not near the epicenter....it looks like it was on the other side of the island...but still in the one of the blueish areas. Here is the link I looked it up on to see how far away she was from it

she doesn't remember it but when she was about a year old we had an earthquake here in Idaho. It was pretty minor where we are but at the epicenter it killed two children on their way to school when the side of a building fell on them. At the epicenter it was pretty bad.

Just one more thing for me to worry about.....sigh. And I was doing so good about not worring about her (most of the time).

I'll be there about 2 months....lets hope there are no earthquakes then.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Where I've been and What I've been up to

This drawing says it all.....so many things going on at once, swirling around me keeping me dizzy.

New job, new position as co-chairperson for our local visual arts committee, chairperson for one of our annual art shows at a local winery on Feb 7th...ekk that's next weekend and helping my dear friend and 'former boss' close her framing shop/art gallery business (17 years in business). I have inherited all kinds of wonderful fun things....tons of mat board, all shapes, all sizes, all colors. Many will be showing up in my artwork for sure.

I so totally dropped the ball on the Jan daily art journal challenge....but I did get some things drawn, doodles really mostly done at work during down time....I have the cutest little 3.5 x 4.75 sketchbook that my 'former boss' gave me after Christmas and it is so handy to carry in my purse and pull out to sketch and doodle in.

Missed the deadline for entry into this years We Art Women art show. Something had to give and that was it....I'm a little sad about it, it is a wonderful show and for such a good cause but just could not get anything ready in time.

Crazy doodles.

I also wanted to say THANK YOU for the e-mails and inquires as to where I was....and the concern shown. Thank you thank you thank you. I so enjoy hearing from you all and visiting everyone when I get the chance. It still is amazing to me how technology has opened up our connections. the inspiration and encouragement I receive from all over is so amazing to me and I thank everyone of you for it.

Thank you one and all.