Does not do a mother's heart good!!!!!
Subject line of e-mail I got from my daughter today:
At 6:50AM
Upon opening the e-mail:
"we had a small earthquake! It was kind of exciting. I woke up before it started and was trying to go back to sleep. I heard like a large boom sound and then everything started shaking but nothing fell onto the floor it was kind of long though. Here it was only a 2.0 but at the center it was a 4.8 by the Sea of Japan. Anyways that was my excitment for the day.
Love ya"
Thank goodness she's not near the looks like it was on the other side of the island...but still in the one of the blueish areas. Here is the link I looked it up on to see how far away she was from it
she doesn't remember it but when she was about a year old we had an earthquake here in Idaho. It was pretty minor where we are but at the epicenter it killed two children on their way to school when the side of a building fell on them. At the epicenter it was pretty bad.
Just one more thing for me to worry about.....sigh. And I was doing so good about not worring about her (most of the time).
I'll be there about 2 months....lets hope there are no earthquakes then.
At 6:50AM
Upon opening the e-mail:
"we had a small earthquake! It was kind of exciting. I woke up before it started and was trying to go back to sleep. I heard like a large boom sound and then everything started shaking but nothing fell onto the floor it was kind of long though. Here it was only a 2.0 but at the center it was a 4.8 by the Sea of Japan. Anyways that was my excitment for the day.
Love ya"
Thank goodness she's not near the looks like it was on the other side of the island...but still in the one of the blueish areas. Here is the link I looked it up on to see how far away she was from it
she doesn't remember it but when she was about a year old we had an earthquake here in Idaho. It was pretty minor where we are but at the epicenter it killed two children on their way to school when the side of a building fell on them. At the epicenter it was pretty bad.
Just one more thing for me to worry about.....sigh. And I was doing so good about not worring about her (most of the time).
I'll be there about 2 months....lets hope there are no earthquakes then.