Monday, January 05, 2009

January 5th Journal Page

Day 5.

this feels so flat to me sometimes things just don't come together but I'm posting it anyway and maybe will revisit at a later date to see what it becomes.

January 3rd & 4th Journal pages

I totally forgot to post these up last night...hopefully tonight I can get on track and post on the correct day and not be a day behind.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

January 2 Journal Page

Finished her late last night but couldn't get it uploaded. Done with colored pencil.

Hope I can get todays done in to the big city today for some second hand treasure hunting.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Art Journal January

Misty Mawn commented that she was going to do a page every day in her art journal for the month of January and asked others to join her. Visit her blog to see who has joined her.

So for today, Jan 1, 2009 this is my page.

My daughter's package from Japan arrived on New Year's Eve. She sent all kinds of wonderful things. Japanese snacks for her Dad, papers, stickers and a wonderful brush tip golden pen for me. Along with all kinds of other little items that if I get around to getting a photo of will post.

A few other pages from another of my journals. Playing around with watercolor crayons.