Art Journal January
Misty Mawn commented that she was going to do a page every day in her art journal for the month of January and asked others to join her. Visit her blog to see who has joined her.
So for today, Jan 1, 2009 this is my page.

My daughter's package from Japan arrived on New Year's Eve. She sent all kinds of wonderful things. Japanese snacks for her Dad, papers, stickers and a wonderful brush tip golden pen for me. Along with all kinds of other little items that if I get around to getting a photo of will post.
A few other pages from another of my journals. Playing around with watercolor crayons.

So for today, Jan 1, 2009 this is my page.

My daughter's package from Japan arrived on New Year's Eve. She sent all kinds of wonderful things. Japanese snacks for her Dad, papers, stickers and a wonderful brush tip golden pen for me. Along with all kinds of other little items that if I get around to getting a photo of will post.
A few other pages from another of my journals. Playing around with watercolor crayons.

what a great idea to do a journal page every day for a month. i'm traveling this month but i'll have to challenge myself to do that maybe next month. love your dragon here and how you painted over the top of other stuff.
I always enjoy seeing your journal pages. I can't wait to see what this month brings.
I love doing a daily page. In 2006, 2008 and this year, I bought four identical sketchbooks in which to do some kind of daily page. Often, it's a map of a to-do list but sometimes I surprise myself. This year, after reading An Illustrated Life, I bought Moleskins. Oooh.
a bit intimidating but they are working beautifully with Pitt pens and my Varsity disposable fountain pen.
The challenge for me will be posting everyday.
But what a good idea, I'll try.
Love yours,
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