For My Daughter and what a month it's been.

Finally got JL's painting done. Seems to have taken me forever. The photo doesn't show the background very well or the picture itself really....I need a new camera. Hope she's happy with it.
Well, a week ago we almost had to evacuate from our place. The range fires got out of control and were almost at our front door. The neighbor came down at 12:20 am pounding on our door as the power had been out for hours due to winds, lightening and such. Open the door and we could see the whole side of the hill in flames. About 5 miles from our place. So hubby hooked up the horse trailer and gathered up halters getting ready to load up the horse. I loaded up a large dog crate and started loading up the cats. But within about 1/2 hour the flames had subsided and looked like the fire had gone out....still a little glowing but not headed in our direction any longer. As I was loading the cats I was trying to think about what else we might be able to throw into the car and truck...hubby was worried about his guns and I probably would have grabbed my sewing machine. There would have been no time for pictures, paintings, art supplies or anything else. We know folks who live further out that did have to evacute and most of them didn't even have time to get there animals out. I don't think I could leave with out my animals, I'd have to get them out some how.
On a brighter note, I finally received my copy of "New Directions in Altered Books"....yeahaw...BOTH of the spreads I submitted are in the book....both on page 22. It's still such a thrill to see my stuff in a publication...not that there has been much published I think this is the third thing I've had published and it just feels so great.
And am going to be sharing a room with a friend I met at my first ArtFest. It was her first also and we have keep in touch since. We didn't get to see much of each other last year and when she invited me to share a room in a house with her and some friends I jumped at the chance. I think it's going to be the best year yet. I think I've finally made up my mind to take both of Anne Bagby's classes (at least I hope to get into the both of them). I have always admired her work and was so excited to see that she was teaching this year.
And last but not least...MO called from Scotland this weekend. I miss her so much and I am just so thankful that we live in the times that we do so that we can keep in touch so much easier than in years past. She sounded great, other than she broke her wrist only two weeks after arriving, one of the dogs knocked her over and she fell wrong. But she has a car now, lives just a few miles from the beach and a stones throw from a huge woodland that is for public use. I can't wait to go visit.
That's all for now.....