Today's visitors
I noticed our oldest horse racing across the field this morning looking out at the neighbors house. His ears up, tail up all excited and nothing excites him anymore. So I look out the front window thinking dogs, neighbor's horse, etc... and I see something a little different.
At first I thought it was the neighbor's alpacas (they just moved in a few months ago, we haven't met them yet but I so want to as I love alpacas)
BUT on closer look ........ it was these three....

I yelled at my husband and daughter that we had antelope in the front yard...
grabbed my camera and was able to get pretty close to them. They finally slide under ..... yes under, the neighbor's fence and trotted off in the direction of the foothills and another desert subdivision.
We've never had them come in this close to us before. Hope it is a good omen.
It was a wonderful morning adventure.
At first I thought it was the neighbor's alpacas (they just moved in a few months ago, we haven't met them yet but I so want to as I love alpacas)
BUT on closer look ........ it was these three....

I yelled at my husband and daughter that we had antelope in the front yard...
grabbed my camera and was able to get pretty close to them. They finally slide under ..... yes under, the neighbor's fence and trotted off in the direction of the foothills and another desert subdivision.
We've never had them come in this close to us before. Hope it is a good omen.
It was a wonderful morning adventure.
Sending you good vibes, Jonna! I know you've all had a death in the family and right on the heels of your return from ArtFest and all... just thinking of you and sending supportive vibes...
Also wanting to check in about the Healing Deck swap. I'm just getting to scanning all the cards this weekend, so it's not too late if you still want to participate. Just let me know either way.
Also wanted to tell you that the blue bird in the journal round robin is just stunning! I'm on a bird kick lately and the round blue belly of your painting just sings to me...
Lots of miracles to you...
Antelope in the front yard??????? We get squirrels, loose dogs, hummingbirds, and last week for the first time a racoon. Too funny!!!
so very cute,love that picture.
Sometimes I really miss living in your "neck of the woods. But it is good to finally be back home.
pasted this from 1,000names (or something like that)
you've got great symbols coming in and out, I must say:
The antelope, which is also referred to as an ibex or a springbok, has three main symbolic meanings. It represents someone who is skillful at music and a lover of harmony, someone with a keen mind for politics and the ability to foresee times and opportunities well, and lastly, a person who is unwilling to assail his enemies rashly, who would prefer to stand his ground than risk harming another wrongfully. Thus the antelope signifies harmony, polity and peace. The antelope has also been used occasionally as an emblem of purity and fleetness. Early representations of the antelope did not look much like the real animal, as they were likely drawn from descriptions. That figure is now referred to as a heraldic antelope, as opposed to the later version, which has a more natural aspect.
How cool is that! What a nice morning surprise and so great that you were able to capture it.
How cool!! Great pictures too. I really like the your current pieces (above post) and the bird's all fantastic.
take care...
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